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Lasagna Style With Chinese Cabbage and Pork Belly - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Lasagna Style With Chinese Cabbage and Pork Belly.
Here's a recipe for a mille-feuille lasagna style with Chinese cabbage and pork belly. It can be made in one pan. The tomato sauce soaks into the Chinese cabbage, making it soft and the gyoza wrappers chewy. This is an easy recipe that can be cooked in a pan and served on the table. Enjoy it while it's still hot!

Cook time

30 minutes

4 servings

  • Pork belly
    300 g
  • Chinese cabbage (Hakusai)
    400 g
  • Gyoza wrappers
    21 sheets
  • Water
    50 ml
  • Sauce
  • Canned diced tomatoes
    400 g
  • Granulated Japanese consomme soup stock
    1 tbsp
  • Japanese worcestershire sauce
    1 tbsp
  • Sugar
    1 tsp
  • Salt
    1 three finger pinch
  • White pepper
    1 three finger pinch
  • Shredded pizza cheeze
    50 g
  • Parsley
    as needed

How to make

  1. Prepare. Chop the parsley finely.
  2. 1. Cut off the core of the Chinese cabbage and roughly chop.
  3. 2. Cut the pork belly in half.
  4. 3. Put the sauce ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  5. 4. Fill a pan with water and layer Step 1, 2, then the gyoza wrappers. Repeat the same process twice, then pour Step 3. Heat over medium heat, cover with a lid when it starts to boil, and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  6. 5. When the pork belly is cooked through and the flavors have blended, add the shredded pizza cheese. Cover again, turn off the heat, and let it sit for about 3 minutes until the cheese melts.
  7. 6. Sprinkle with parsley and serve to make it easy to eat and it's ready.

Tips for cooking

You can substitute pork shoulder for pork belly. Adjust the seasoning to your liking. We used a 10 inch sized frying pan. This recipe is voluminous and easy to burn, so please use the indicated heating time as a guide and adjust the heating time and heat as necessary.