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Miso Soup with Plenty of Green Onions - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Miso Soup with Plenty of Green Onions.
We added plenty of green onions to our standard wakame seaweed miso soup. This is a filling dish with lots of ingredients. Please add it to your home-cooked miso soup repertoire. Simple and easy to make! It is very delicious, so please try cooking it.

Cook time

10 minutes

2 servings

  • Water
    400 ml
  • Japanese leek
    40 g
  • Dried wakame seaweed
    2 g
  • Japanese style granulated soup stock
    1 tsp
  • Miso
    2 tsp

How to make

  1. Prepare. Rehydrate the wakame seaweed in water according to the package directions.
  2. 1. Slice Japanese leeks thinly and diagonally.
  3. 2. Squeeze water out of wakame seaweed.
  4. 3. Add water to a pot and heat up. When it comes to a boil, add Japanese leeks and Step 2, and simmer over medium heat.
  5. 4. When water comes to a boil, add Japanese style granulated soup stock. After dissolving miso, remove from heat.
  6. 5. Serve in bowls, and it's ready to eat.

Tips for cooking

It has a mild taste. Please adjust the amount of Japanese style granulated soup stock and miso to your taste. If you increase the amount of wakame seaweed, the saltiness will enhance.