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Grilled Sake Wrapped in Foil - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Grilled Sake Wrapped in Foil.
This dish is filled with umami flavors of sake, mushrooms, and vegetables. If you open the foil, the aroma of butter spreads out. It goes well with both rice and bread. It's perfect for everyday meals as well as for a welcoming dish. You should definitely give it a try!

Cook time

20 minutes

2 servings

  • Sake
    200 g
  • Onion
    40 g
  • Shimeji mushrooms
    20 g
  • Cherry tomato
  • Salt
    a pinch
  • (A)Sake
    2 tbsp
  • (A)Salted butter
    20 g
  • Water
    as needed
  • Soy sauce
    2 tsp

How to make

  1. Prepare. Peel onion and remove cherry tomatoes stem.
  2. 1. Slice onion thinly, remove the hard tip from shimeji mushrooms, then break it up.
  3. 2. Place in the order of Step 1 onion, sake, salt, Step 1 shimeji mushroom, cherry tomatoes, and ingredient (A) on aluminum foil and wrap. Make another piece in the same way.
  4. 3. Pour about 0.4-inch depth of water into a pan, add Step 2, heat over medium heat, cover with a lid, and steam for about 15 minutes. Once sake is cooked through, remove it from the heat.
  5. 4. Serve on a plate, drizzle soy sauce, and it's ready to serve.

Tips for cooking

The size of sake will affect the time it cooks, so please adjust the heating time. We will use ab aluminum foil directly on a pan, so please be careful of the heating temperature.