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Easy and Delicious! Sweet and Savory Stewed Konjac - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Easy and Delicious! Sweet and Savory Stewed Konjac.
This is a money-saving recipe that uses konjac, which can be purchased at a low price. Konjac is a Japanese yam cake made from konjac plant. You only need a few ingredients, so this is a convenient recipe when you feel like "I want one more dish!". You should definitely give it a try!

Cook time

20 minutes

2 servings

  • Konjac (Konnyaku)
    110 g
  • Water
    100 ml
  • Sliced Japanese chili peppers (Takanotsume)
    1/2 tsp
  • (A)Sake
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Japanese sweet cooking wine (Mirin)
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Soy sauce
    1 tbsp
  • (A)Miso
    2 tsp
  • (A)Sugar
    1 tsp
  • Sesame oil
    2 tsp

How to make

  1. 1. Cut konjac into 0.4-inch cubes.
  2. 2. Add water to a pan and bring to a boil over high heat, then add Step 1, bring to a boil, and drain.
  3. 3. Heat sesame oil in a pan over medium heat, add whole Japanese chili peppers (takanotsume) and Step 2, and stir-fry.
  4. 4. When all the oil is blended well, add ingredient (A) and simmer over medium heat until the flavor is absorbed.
  5. 5. Transfer to a bowl and it's ready to serve.

Tips for cooking

Please adjust the salt and spiciness to your liking.