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Japanese Steamed Egg With Shiitake Mushrooms & Chicken Tender - Recipe Video

A simple and easy to understand recipe video shows how to make Japanese Steamed Egg With Shiitake Mushrooms & Chicken Tender.
Here is an introduction to the Japanese steamed egg (chawanmushi), which can be made by directly steaming. You can make it even if you don't have a steamer at home. You can easily make a gentle chawanmushi using dried shiitake mushroom broth. The chawanmushi, which has a difficult impression to make, can be made deliciously with a regular skillet. You should definitely give it a try!

Cook time

45 minutes

2 servings

  • Dried shiitake mushrooms
    2 sheets
  • Chicken tender
  • Sake
    1/2 tsp
  • Soy sauce
    1/4 tsp
  • Japanese honeywort
  • Eggs
  • Liquid seasoning
  • (A)Soaking liquid
    150 ml
  • (A)Soy sauce
    1/2 tsp
  • (A)Japanese sweet cooking wine (Mirin)
    1/2 tsp
  • (A)Salt
    a pinch
  • Hot water
    as needed

How to make

  1. Prepare. Wrap a towel around the skillet lid.
  2. 1. Return the dried shiitake mushrooms according to the package directions. Squeeze the dried shiitake mushrooms, then cut off the stems and cut them vertically into 4 equal pieces. Reserve 150 ml (2/3 cup) of soaking liquid.
  3. 2. Remove the roots of Japanese honeyworts and cut them into 0.8-inch pieces. Remove the streaks from the chicken tender and cut it into 8 equal pieces, then marinate it with Japanese rice wine (sake) and soy sauce.
  4. 3. Crack the egg into a bowl and beat well.
  5. 4. In another bowl, mix together the ingredient (A), then pour in Step 3 and mix together.
  6. 5. Put Step 1 and 2 into a bowl and strain Step 4 with a damped tea strainer.
  7. 6. Pour 1/3 depth of the water into a skillet and boil it over high heat. Lay out Step 5 on the cloth and cover it with a lid wrapped with a towel.
  8. 7. After about 2 minutes, open the lid, if the color turns white, lower the heat to low, then cover again and cook for about 10 minutes.
  9. 8. Open the lid, and stick a toothpick to check if it stands. If it stands, turn off the heat.
  10. 9. Remove it from the skillet and it's ready.

Tips for cooking

By wrapping a cloth around the lid, water droplets do not fall off during the heating. If you do not have a suitable cloth, cover the container with aluminum foil before steaming to prevent water droplets from entering the container. The egg yolk and the egg white harden at different temperatures, so be sure to mix them thoroughly. If the egg white is not well beaten, some amount of egg remains on the tea strainer and will reduce the egg amount to eat. This makes it harder to harden. In Step 5, it's easier to strain if you wet the tea strainer beforehand. For the hot water in Step 6, please adjust the amount of it according to the size of the pot or the contents. The standard amount is about 1/3 of the containers. If the water is too much, the hot water will get into the containers when it boils, so please be careful. In Step 7, if you do not reduce the heat to low, there'll be a hollow in the custard, and you will not get a smooth finish.